Many seem to be talking about their last system .

What's up, people ? Going to die soon ? Or simply tired of endless upgrading ?
Few facts, 1) I love music, 2) I like to hear it at what others call "high end" level, 3) I’m nearly 62 now. 4) I had some money in an old sock. 5) I enjoy life, enjoy a good health.
Two years ago I thought of buying myself some new equipment, had been dreaming for a while, remembering the days that I enjoyed my Apogee Grands, but had to sell those due to my work being away from home, not being able to enjoy them. One day I met a friend of mine, we spoke about life in general, and about enjoying life to the fullest as long as we can. We all realize that one of these days it will all be over and gone, so why not to enjoy it whilst you are still in a position/condition to enjoy it. That made me think, and made me decide to simply go for it, make the investments necessary, and enjoy it from the next day I had the equipment at home. I now can tell that a good year later, I have no regrets, even though that old sock is about empty now. I also already know that next year I’ll invest some more. The moment you have no dreams anymore, you may as well stop and depart from this world anyway. Good thing is that my son loves music as well, so most likely after I move on, he will be more than happy with it. On the other hand, he may have to wait a little longer, the equipment may be a bit outdated by that never know ;) (but then again, what sounds good today will most likely still sound good for a long time to go....)

It will always sound good. I don't anticipate any breakthrough in sound reproduction. In fact, I think that attention should be on the recording and mastering. Analog recordings of the past will probably never sound significantly better than they do now. Digital source will improve.
In other words, we will not become obsolete.
Yes, I agree that we haven't reached the bottom of digital music reproduction yet. In fact, I'm now concentrating on digital, and will invest some more in the near future. I may not invest in vinyl but will go for digital and analog R2R. 
I have been preparing my resources for R2R project. In a few years, I think. As for digital, I have my old decent sounding CEC belt drive player, I'll see the direction digital goes. Unfortunately, for me at least, all the new music is digital, I spend some time on youtube with headphones.
yeah, to my opinion, based on my experience digital often really sounds good, (CEC Belt driven must be an interesting player) now I'm not saying it always beats analog, but if you consider the operating convenience and so on, you may choose for digital. R2R is for those who seek the absolute highest end. More and more good recordings become available so yes, I will most certainly invest somewhere next year in a decent R2R machine, and explore/enjoy new areas of excitement.