Which separates would you choose Adcom v Anthem?

Between these two, Adcom GTP 870HD/GFA 7607or 7707 vs Anthem AVM-50/MCA 50, which would you choose? Any experience? Thanks.

Joe in Mobile
I'd go listen.I sold Adcom for years and while I don't think their build quality is always up to snuff (not so much in amps/pre but especially thier Cd players but some electronic contacts could be better).I just didn't think Anthem was all that great sounding.Would also add Rotel and NAD the latter of which has gone from real price point brand upwards and less of $$ value they are extremely good sounding.
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Having had the Adcom in my system for an audition (friends unit) and owned an AVM2, AVM20, AVM50, AVM20-HD and a D2, I'd go for the Anthem. The AVM50 also has a broadcast scaler built in and the new AVM50v decodes the new HD surround formats. Of course, the Anthem is twice the price of the AVM50, which isn't a fair comparison.