I believe your internet speed needs to be bumped up. You need to ask AT&T how many devices sharing your current bandwidth. Based on the number of connected devices AT&T can recommend the suitable plan for you.
I was in the same place 2 years ago experiencing drop outs with my N10 on a 24mbps plan. A quick diagnosis of my service showed 27 devices sharing the 24mbps bandwidth 😳
I bumped up my plan to 100mbps, no issues with streaming since the upgrade.
I believe your internet speed needs to be bumped up. You need to ask AT&T how many devices sharing your current bandwidth. Based on the number of connected devices AT&T can recommend the suitable plan for you.
I was in the same place 2 years ago experiencing drop outs with my N10 on a 24mbps plan. A quick diagnosis of my service showed 27 devices sharing the 24mbps bandwidth 😳
I bumped up my plan to 100mbps, no issues with streaming since the upgrade.