Any ideas?? ARC CD 3 doesn't work

I went to fire up my CD 3 Mk 2 this morning and it is completely black! I slid the door, I tried the remote, I pushed the STD By button, I changed the power cord, I checked the fuse box, I plugged in something else to insure the outlet was OK and the case is stone cold. I have a local service outlet I can take it tomorrow, I am crushed.
Any ideas what might have happen??
Correct! It's nowhere better than in USA, but one has to
bear in mind that now we're good friends with Saudi
Arabia and if they stop the pipe, we'll find Isis or
Al'Quaeda there and attack them with drones and rockets!
I hope the OP took his CD 3 to an authorized ARC service tech. These guys know their ARC gear and work closely with the factory to ensure the unit is returned to original operating spec.
or return to ARC for repair. Don't trust any tech with your ARC components.

10-24-14: Schubert
At one time , 50-60 years ago, Rochester NY was THE best city in the USA.Now like every old industrial city from Wooster MA to Gary IN a total wreck.
Of course, Wooster MA doesn't exist. Where the hell is Wooster, MA?

Cities, countries ... expands and contracts as economy, technology ... evolves. IE: who would think North Dakota is oil town before Oil shale?
So Far NOT looking good! Tech has just been looking and has been unable to find a cause to the failure. He has not removed anything at all and we agreed that if by Monday he doesn't find the root cause that it's going off to Audio Research. He did offer that it may have been caused by a voltage fluctuation at the outlet. At this point I have a commitment to get a Shunyata Venom Defender to protect it. Right now I am so strapped that the fear of restoring it from ARC worries me but, I'll keep you informed of what might have happen as I get a definitive answer.
Remind me .. is your tech an ARC authorized service guy? If he is, he should be in contact with Chris Osanna, who is the main repair guy at ARC who works with the authorized techs.

Even if your guy is not an approved service tech, maybe Chris will still work with him anyway.

Lastly, given what you've described, I wouldn't be surprised if the fix is simple and inexpensive.