Good carts with SME V

Hi there
What could be the carts that match optimally with a SME V tonearm?
My SME is on a Hanss T30 player.

The match should have a resonance around 10 hz - I believe. Or no lower than 8 hz.

Cart suggestions are appreciated, from users of the SME V especially.

I ask also since maybe "official" resonance measures are way off, compared to user experience. Please include the weight and compliance of your cart suggestion, and if possible, your resonance testing frequency. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
I have Reed 3p tonearm and the better the cartridge on it the better the sound with it, cartridge is still the most important, not a tonearm. 

An old Garrott p77 is a fantastic MM cartridge for Reed "12inch tonearm. I have many expensive MC cartridges, but it is true that some vintage MM cartridges are still much better to my ears! But it's not because of the tonearm! It's because of the cartridges.  

I disagree with you Chakster. And that is despite you and I being the two principle Reed 3P fan-boys on this board. Btw, if you don't mind my asking, where are you (Asia?). Just curious. This might be the topic of a separate thread, but between the drive system, the tonearm, and the cartridge, if forced to choose priorities, I would list the tonearm first, the drive system second, and the cartridge last. Case in point, the guy that restored my Thorens TD124 got amazing sound from my Reed 3P, my Thorens, and a lowly Shure M95ED cartridge. He took special pains to align the cartridge precisely with a SMARTractor. Please don't get me wrong, priorities does not equal expense. Jelco for one renders $ as non-correlating with quality. My emphasis on the tonearm comes from practicality. A tonearm that is difficult to adjust makes life with a turntable unbearable. A tonearm that is both easy to adjust and that sounds good makes vinyl playback a dream. 
I have mainly done like Chakster proposes. Cartridge first. Start from the source. Then, trickle down, to get the best from the new higher resolution source. Maybe get a better arm, table, phono stage. This strategy has worked well for me. Yet I have not compared a lot of tonearms. Starting from the tonearm seems a bit strange - but who knows in this hobby? Using Lyra cartridges, Titan and Atlas, I have no major complaints regarding SME V - cartridge compatability. Even if the Atlas, ideally, might have a tonearm that "soaks up" the energy even better. What I do know, is that the SME V is a good allround arm, better than "outlier" cases like the Souther/Clearaudio parallel arm. Possibly a longer arm would be a plus, but there are minuses too, going away from the main middle path (defined by the SME V and other classics).
I disagree with you Chakster. And that is despite you and I being the two principle Reed 3P fan-boys on this board. Btw, if you don’t mind my asking, where are you (Asia?). Just curious.

I’m from St.Petersburg, Russia

This might be the topic of a separate thread, but between the drive system, the tonearm, and the cartridge, if forced to choose priorities, I would list the tonearm first, the drive system second, and the cartridge last.

With Direct Drive you don’t have to worry about it, all my turntables are first class direct drive and i don’t even want to experiment with the drives as much as i do with the cartridges and then with tonearms.

Case in point, the guy that restored my Thorens TD124 got amazing sound from my Reed 3P, my Thorens, and a lowly Shure M95ED cartridge.

Very subjective point, it might be "amazing" only until he will mount a proper cartridge instead.

He took special pains to align the cartridge precisely with a SMARTractor. Please don’t get me wrong, priorities does not equal expense. Jelco for one renders $ as non-correlating with quality. My emphasis on the tonearm comes from practicality. A tonearm that is difficult to adjust makes life with a turntable unbearable. A tonearm that is both easy to adjust and that sounds good makes vinyl playback a dream.

I agree, i like the arms that i can adjust quickly and easily and i love Reed 3p for this reason. But i have no problem adjusting many vintage tonearms, i believe all my tonearms are good (and easy to adjust for me): Sony PUA-7, Lustre GST-801, Victor UA-7082, Fidelity-Research FR-64fx, Technics EPA-100 mkII...  and Denon DA-401 is still in the box, but i’m gonna try it soon for high-compliance cartridges.

However, if i don’t like the sound of one cartridge with a few tonearms i will change cartridge, not tonearm and not a turntable drive.
I’ve not been able to compare tonearms. What I can say it that the Lyra Atlas cart, replaced in 2018 after problems with my 2013 version, sounds very good with my SME V arm, and displays no obvious problems with frequencies, arm/cart resonance, or mistracking.