I have seen many people share what they have and what they have heard on audiogon and there are always a few people that come on with negative comments about the person bragging or,the put down the higher end gear that one is speaking about.  Why do you think that happens?
  Comparison is the root of all unhappiness... somebody Godly, smart - possibly both said that

there is always somebody with more money or perhaps even different priorities in life than you..... why worry ?

@whart I just happen to be a soulless German flat 6 appliance guy with a bad foot, so I appreciate pdk and the F1 paddle shift.....
maybe you are the first Ferrari guy I meet who is not an a hole...
vino is on me

@n80 cars and audio are the crack dealers trade secret
come drive my 996 X50 sometime....

the first hit is free....

after that, tires are on you

but i know what you mean..... sort of....
@tomic601-- cars, like almost everything other product with a luxe category, attract their share of poseurs. I'm well out of it now, but F1 here in Austin last weekend reminded me of the diverse array of people attracted to the Prancing Horse.
 I like those German steeds-those guys took track days very seriously and I had fun with more than a few of their cars too.
I was never much for the track, used to like long rallies-- we did a few here in the States and the Targa Florio in Sicily; much respect for anyone with good skills.
The Miata guys were great enthusiasts as well. It ain't what you drive, it's how you drive it.
The connection with hi-fi becomes tenuous at a certain point, given that, beyond selection and set up (and some routine maintenance), hi-fi is largely a 'passive' sport. I have much love for old iron and pre-war design. Now, living in Texas, I get to see a lot of survivor cars, stuff that would never be worth restoring but is cool to see on the road. 
I guess I'd be bragging to talk about my day at the Birmingham track with Hurley Haywood when the CGT was introduced, but that's another story. Shiny side up! 
"The connection with hi-fi becomes tenuous at a certain point..."

Having a nice car or stereo system is not only for poseurs.
@stevecham@stereo5. I agree with y’all. I came on only to share my experiences. I’ve been on a unique journey the last 12 years. I have put together a great system at a price point I can afford based on the knowledge I’ve gained. I came on to,share the experiences and it seems like people take it as bragging. I’ve been able to try gear way out of my price range. I’ve been able to have long demos of equipment that I could only dream of owning and I’ve been exposed to a couple of guys who could afford the all out assault systems and I’ve gotten to have long extended listening sessions with them. I’ve developed relationships with people in this hobby that last for a lifetime. It seems like when I share my impressions or experience with gear the claws come out. I might mention how much something costs to give context but some folks think it’s bragging. It’s not I only want to share the impressions of gear that I’ve heard. Also I like to know what others have heard. All I see is a lot of bashing of gear that the bashers have never heard. Some will say it’s the way I phrase things but it’s not. It’s the way THEY read it. There is probably a snooty voice in there heads that reads out loud to them. I hate that the convo flushes into YOU PAID TOO MUCH SO WHAT MY VINTAGE GEAR IS BETTER! But on audiogon that seems to be the case. It turns into you must be a show out etc.  That’s crazy to me cause even though I have quite a bit invested in my system it’s really nothing compared to other guys I know. It would take a lot to wow me in terms of costs because it’s not about that for me. I have nice stuff so what I’m not the only one. I’m only interested in finding the best gear you can get to satisfy your listening tastes. It just turns into a bash party for smarty pants people or the insecure and it shouldn’t be that way.