Horns: Why don't they image well?

Anyone have a theory?

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I have Audiokinesis Dream Makers and some months ago I changed the four compression drivers from Celestion CDX1-1445 to PRV Audio D290Py-B. This lifted a veil, and improved imaging too. Not beryllium standard (I guess) but very good for a reasonable cost. I actually changed the four compression drivers in the LCS speakers too, so now all four speakers run the same PRV drivers, giving the sound more coherence.
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I don't find that the older horns imaged as well. As horn designs improved with the advent of CAD, so did the imaging.

But a lot has to do with what you hook up to them- and those older horn systems were designed for amps with higher output impedances. If you hook up an amp with lower output impedances, the crossovers often don't work right. I've no doubt that would affect their performance!
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, but..... Paul Klipsch didn't think so and created the center channel known as the Heresy.

Klipscorns don't need a center channel in a room <21 ft. or so wide. PWK knew this too.

Mine image as well as cones in boxes do. I don't need your validation to make it so either.
