balanced vs. unbalanced sound quality

hi all i just got a theta dreadnaught amp and i currently have it hooked up through the unbalanced inputs.

i dont know very much about this topic, so i was wondering if i got balanced cables, would the sound quality improve? i will be using all 1 meter cables.

i know that higher end cables will sound better, but lets just say that the balanced cables would be of the same quality as the unbalanced.

thanks all,
Professor Keith Johnson has said that the signal travels twice as far in a balanced cable and they present there own set of problems.
That's pretty funny!

If he really said this it suggests he doesn't know what he's talking about!!!
Look at a single ended cable- the signal travels in the center conductor, and the shield is the return path. In a balanced cable, the signal travels in a twisted pair, and the shield is ignored (not used for a return path). The distances are identical.
I'm guessing Johnson was referring to the signal path length within a balanced circuit, not within a balanced cable.
I didn't personally hear Prof. J make that statement. I was told by Terry at Overture what the Prof. told him. I was buying all new cabling at the time. When I asked about balanced cables is when he told me about the Prof. point of view. I have always used balanced cables till I got the Spectral system. 
Good listening too you. 
This thread has literally made me dumber. For those truly interested in this out another thread. 
I'm guessing Johnson was referring to the signal path length within a balanced circuit, not within a balanced cable.
Often the signal path within a balanced circuit is simpler. At least that is the case in our stuff. For example, in our preamps there are only 2 stages of gain in the phono section and only 1 in the line stage. From LOMC to the ability to drive headphones. Rather than repeat myself though, here's an article that might be helpful regarding balanced operation: