Integrated Amp Recommendation

I have a Musical Fidelity A3.2 integrated amplifier that started making static when the volume is adjusted. The authorized repair shop informs me it needs a complete overhaul -- for $900. I am considering 3 options:

1) Repair it -- the repair shop tells me essentially they don't make them anymore like they used to and this is a great unit that I can get another 10 years out of.

2) Replace it with a Musical Fidelity M5si for $2k or a few hundred less for a factory-refurbished unit.

3) Something else... Rotel 1592? Parasound Halo?

The speakers are B&W 804's. Input is a Naim Uniti media server through a Naim DAC. No vinyl.

Any advice, recommendations and suggestions welcome!


Don't pay $900 to have that fixed. I'd almost bet a kidney that it's simply a bad Alps volume pot. They likely use the orange series which is junk unless it's only used for knob position tracking. Find a different, honest tech to install a Blue Velvet.
Can you see the volume control with the lid removed?  If so, I would be inclined to give it a good shot of contact cleaner through any visible gaps in the control.  Might be a cheap fix.
For a new integrated, my recommendation is a Wired 4 Sound STI 500.  Both pairs of my B&W speakers sound better with this amp than any class a/b amps I’ve tried.  Note, I’m using separates not an integrated.
Best advice so far:
1.Try contact cleaner,most likely just dirty contacts...
2.As helomech stated,always get a second opinion...
 3.Something new...TUBES or a Hybrid(Tube Pre Amp,SS Power in 1 box(integrated amp)...
Go for a Musical Fidelity M6si.  Had one for a couple years and thought it was a really great integrated for the money.