Horns: Why don't they image well?

Anyone have a theory?

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, but..... Paul Klipsch didn't think so and created the center channel known as the Heresy.

Klipscorns don't need a center channel in a room <21 ft. or so wide. PWK knew this too.

Mine image as well as cones in boxes do. I don't need your validation to make it so either.

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kosst, I would love to have both of our sets in a room and do a shoot out. You can pick the equipment, the music, anything. Anytime....Based on what other complaints you have stated in other posts, imaging was not the biggest negative to you when it came to horns. So stating your agreement with George is false. However, it is nice that you and George can agree about something. Miracles do happen.  Enjoy ! MrD. 
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