I look at the new speakers.  They look cheaper and they are not as musical.  It’s like they are trying to be what they are not. What the hell happened?
speakers are not designed by ‘bean counters’

nor do speaker designers manage the company’s books 

good grief 
Great information harris4crna.  I love these kind of stories.  His passion and designs were legendary and his love for music is unquestioned. I will have a second system with his speaker in some way. 

The larger the company the more likely it is that people in management and sales will come up with price points in a new line of speakers that they want the new product to hit.  Then the designers/engineers make that happen.

In a small company, where the designer is also the CEO or has equal footing, things will be very different.

Sonus Faber today is a classic example of the first sort of company.  The sales and PR people put out as much verbiage as possible in order to camouflage those basis facts.

Calvinj, the Sim Audio evolution stuff is absolutely incredible very warm sounding and three dimensional. I have the p-8 W8 and I have not found anything way more expensive that sounds much better than this. Their amps and preamps are world-class also very expensive. The 850p is now 40,000. As good as it is that's way overpriced, when it first came out it was 25,000 and it was only 10% better than the p8. I think they make some of the best stuff out there but they've gone stupid with the pricing.