Treated my interconnects with Deoxit D5 today

I have a nice audio system and had a great notion to clean all my connections with alcohol and treat all the connections with Deoxit D5.  I did all the fuses as well.  Well, the result is that the system now sounds flat and lifeless as hell... way different than I previously heard.  What's up with this?  I am crestfallen...
Johnson's ear buds work the best!

If you have checked all phasing and have reversed the ic, there is not much,more you can do bar wait and see if it comes back to you.

Good luck!
Yep, uber, I am gonna wait it out.  My system, with the recent addition of the ISO Regen and power supply to my audio stream never sounded better.... until I fooled around with it.  Thanks for chiming in, much appreciated.  
Anyone comment on how these contact cleaners compare to the old "Tweek" cleaner? This still available?
Tweek sucks. It has a propensity to turn blackish green fairly quickly. Kontact is good. But they are both cleaners/conditioners, not really what we’re talking about here. Cramolin was good, too.