Floorstanders designed to be against the wall?

In the old days there was Allison, who designed great floorstanders to work perfectly against a wall. I need a modern equivalent of Allison Ones, to stand against a wall and fill a large room. I know that North Creek Kitty Kat Revelators are designed for this purpose, but I need something larger to fill a larger space than a small monitor would do, as well as providing bigger bass output. I need speakers that are specifically designed this way, though, not full-range speakers that "can work somewhat" close to a wall, and invariably fall short in the soundstaging department. Suggestions, please?
Springbok10, the Classic Audio Loudspeakers do that quite nicely. They are also completely full-range, smooth, detailed, dynamic (efficiency is 97-98 db), easy impedance (16 ohms)...

The field-coil versions are hard to fault. They have the detail that I have only heard from the best ESLs.


I have them 6 inches from the rear wall in my room and they image beautifully.
Any of the Spendors -- my favorite being the S8e -- can be played within 6 inches of the wall. That information was given to me directly by Philip Swift, the owner of the company, at a CES show several years ago.