Treated my interconnects with Deoxit D5 today

I have a nice audio system and had a great notion to clean all my connections with alcohol and treat all the connections with Deoxit D5.  I did all the fuses as well.  Well, the result is that the system now sounds flat and lifeless as hell... way different than I previously heard.  What's up with this?  I am crestfallen...
Tweek was a rip-off .the same Stabilant -22 myself and many top companies .      it is excellent tweek used to dilute the Stabilant-22 ,with a  8-1 ratio.This is a fact. 

Just buy  Stabilant-22, amazon sells it. nothing out there as good NASA uses it as well as many high tech companies for Years and protects for over 12 years if contacts not removed once cleaned with Isopropyl alcohol. From system cables to tube pins and sockets they have won more awards then all the others put together .
i have tried them  all ,not messy and  is a signal enhancer, protector 
for sure no BS .just go to their site and see just how many companies use it.
Stabilant 22 is good. So is Cramolin. Quicksilver Gold and the new Graphene contact enhancer are better. Been there done that.
I have Stabilant but have not used it in years.  I thought it kind of gummed up my connections, but I don't think I diluted it.

At any rate, the former splendor of my system has now returned and I am hearing just what I heard before my connection-cleaning foray.  Go figure.  Erik was exactly right.  Thanks again for the input from you wise fellows.  
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I have been using Deoxit D5 cleaner and ProGold G5 Conductivity and Conditioning Enhancer for overs 10 years without any sound degradation. For future cleaning, I would recommend following kit that has everything you need to clean the contacts,