Music Fidelity V-Link 192

I have Spotify Premium and using a Belden Gold USB cable from Laptop to a Music Fidelity V90 DAC 32/192.  Came across an ad for MF V-Link 192 and since I am new to streaming I see this V-Link looks like a relative cost effective way to enhance the sound quality.  Does anyone have experience with this component or can recommend something else that would be beneficial without costing a lot of money? Thanks in advance.

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If your v90 has USB input then the Vlink won't do anything more for you.  I have the 96 and 192 and honestly hear no difference.  However, I went with a higher end DAC and heard a whole new level of detail...
Yes my V90 has USB input, coaxial and SPDIF.  Elevick you seem to get the opposite benefits from what ghosthouse experienced.  The whole assumption or the reason the V-Link was designed is to take the signal from the laptop and improve it so the DAC does a better job right? From what I have read and been told by several is the V90 is a great little dac and Stereophile Class A or B minus.  What higher end DAC did you go with?
Though I am a user of USB/SPDIF converters (V-link, M2Tech Hiface, Audiophellio) I am not sure the V-Link would prove a benefit over your V90 for streaming Spotify Premium. The V90 has asynchronous USB input. 
I guess I was under the assumption that the V-link improved the signal from the laptop and passed it on to the DAC.  But since the V90 has asynchronous USB input the VLink or any USB/SPDIF Converter does nothing for sound improvement?  
A USB/SPDIF converter shouldn't have a big affect on your music.  If your DAC has one already built in then it's hard to conceive that an external one would do much better.  
I moved up to a Chord Hugo-the difference was shockingly good.  I was using the vlink with a Schiit Bifrost.