Music Fidelity V-Link 192

I have Spotify Premium and using a Belden Gold USB cable from Laptop to a Music Fidelity V90 DAC 32/192.  Came across an ad for MF V-Link 192 and since I am new to streaming I see this V-Link looks like a relative cost effective way to enhance the sound quality.  Does anyone have experience with this component or can recommend something else that would be beneficial without costing a lot of money? Thanks in advance.

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Though I am a user of USB/SPDIF converters (V-link, M2Tech Hiface, Audiophellio) I am not sure the V-Link would prove a benefit over your V90 for streaming Spotify Premium. The V90 has asynchronous USB input. 
I guess I was under the assumption that the V-link improved the signal from the laptop and passed it on to the DAC.  But since the V90 has asynchronous USB input the VLink or any USB/SPDIF Converter does nothing for sound improvement?  
A USB/SPDIF converter shouldn't have a big affect on your music.  If your DAC has one already built in then it's hard to conceive that an external one would do much better.  
I moved up to a Chord Hugo-the difference was shockingly good.  I was using the vlink with a Schiit Bifrost.