Upgrading preamp and phono

Hi all., Going to upgrade some items in the system. Need a better preamp and phono preamp. Have about $5000 to spend on each one. Looking at used only. Right now I like the ARC 2se + ARC 5se Together.The preamp is giving me some doubts because of some opinions I received. Pretty sure the 2se is what I would like for the phono.. Upgrading from Parasound JC3+. Looking at tube only but open to advice. Having both from the same manufacture seems appealing and can make the purchases easier and quicker.Current system is in virtual systems here. If I can spend less, great. Thanks  

I'd like to add a recommendation to you even though finding a used one may be hard, but new is not out of your price range either. I've been extremely happy with the build quality and performance of my Finale Audio-Triode labs integrated and highly recommend their products for value and all out build quality sound quality.

They have a few preamps that will fit your bill and price range with excellent phono stages built in or separate.

I can't say enough about the sound and build quality of my F 3008 300b integrated amp. they are also a very nice bunch to deal with and very helpful. also all made in North America, Toronto Canada to be exact. They use some of the best parts available period.  These are sister companies FYI, Triode labs focusses more on the very low power stuff ( think 2wpc) Finale a little more powerful amps. Some of the best tube amps preamps I've come across and I've owned Cary, CJ, Audio Research VTL and more.



I would second the Herron recommendation. There is a VTSP-3A (R02) that just came on today. Grab that and then call Keith to pick up a matching VTPH-2A--I think you will be happy :>). BTW, I've owned a bunch of ARC equipment over the years (not the models your are considering) and they didn't hold a candle to the Herron gear. Good luck!

PS: Cool system!