Vandersteen TREO CT's with Pass Labs XA60.8

Was just wondering if anyone has heard this combo together?

The TREO’s being at 86db sensitivity are a little tougher to push, but the Pass amp, being "pure Class A" is quite buff.

Also the TREO’s being 6ohm give the Pass amp a little more head room.

Just wondering. Anybody heard this combo?
Yes, I am thinking that the Pass Labs XA60.8 should be a good match for these speakers. I am hoping that someone out there has or has heard them together. Would love to hear thier pros and cons.
I’m running XA 60.8s with Quatro CTs, which sounds amazing. Your combo will make the amps work harder, but they’ll probably be fine. That 60 watt rating is very conservative.
I’m running Treo CT’s with a xa30.8 and they sound fantastic!  I don’t think you would be disappointed with either integrated.
Now that is something I REALLY wanted to hear. I seriously did not think that anyone would pair a XA 30.8 with the TREO's. Because that is really the route I would like to go. 

Curious Doni...What size room are you running this combo?

Right now, to the best I can do the math, I cannot get more then 65 watts in my room. It is just too loud for my small space. Which makes the XA 30.8 a better fit for my room, being as it leaves "class A" at 61 watts. And you saying they sound FANTASTIC with the TREO's has really peaked my interest. My wallet would be much happier as well! $6800 to $13500 is a BIG jump!

Not sure what you mean by "either integrated" though. The XA 30.8 and XA 60.8 are both not integrated.

If could elaborate on that, and also the Fantasticness of this combo, I would love to hear your thoughts.