B&W 803D crossover caps

I am considering an upgrade of the crossover capacitors in by B&W 803Ds, particularly the mid and HF coupling caps.

I took out the top bass driver to find out what caps were installed. It looks like for the diamond tweeter B&W uses a Mundorf Supreme silver/gold, 4.7 mfd 1200V. For the mid driver there are two; a 47 mfd Mundorf MKP 400V series coupling cap (in series with the driver) and a 10 mfd Mundorf Supreme siver/gold bypassing cap (parallel to the driver).

I was thinking about changing out all three, but have a few concerns.

I was going to replace the 10 mfd, 4.7 mfd Supreme silver/gold with Supreme silver/gold/oil. Would there be enough of a difference in these two types to justify the cost? I also do not want to make the upper end any brighter.

I am also concerned about the long term reliability of oil filled caps, as some failures have been reported in warmer environments. I wonder if B&W did not use the silver/gold/oils for that reason.

The biggest impact I suspect will come from the replacement of that series 47 mfd MKP. I would probably use either the Mundorf MCap EVO (Al metalization), MCap EVO oil (Al/oil), or the MCap EVO silver/gold/oil. All three are the same size for 47 mfd, and will fit to replace the MKP. Barring the issues about oil, which might be the best sounding? Again, I want to avoid too much enhancement of the upper midrange.
"Sorry no you confused the discussion, you said amp (see below) and I said amp and then you bought preamps into it. Most of us with the knowledge know that many sources and pre’s have much smaller coupling caps than what would be on the output of an amplifier. "

Last time I checked, "preamps", line amps, and power amps are all species of the genus "amps". You are the one assigning the term "amp" to Power amps. 

The point being that there are numerous amplifiers using electrolytic coupling caps in the output, not just tube power amps. Substituting a film cap for these electrolytics may the best sonic solution, but not considered practical by the manufacturer.

Phasey??? WTF is that? Are you implying putting two polypro caps in parallel create abnormal phase response in a speaker? Can you point to where this has ever been measured or shown mathematically? If these high end audio caps are supposed to be closer to ideal caps (the purpose of their manufacturers), then there should be no such behavior in their performance, singly or in parallel.
Phasey??? WTF is that?
You have no idea, if you don't know what we're talking about, then continue to bypass your signal caps and you'll never know because you obviously can't hear it.

Cheers George
The issue of Mundorf vs. Copper film:
Mundorf Supreme caps have their very own house sound. To me it is like a disney / Fuji film sheen with hypersaturated colors. Scintillation is also a good way to describe it.

This is what Magico and B&W like to use in their top end.

If you bought your speakers for that, stick with the capacitor and speaker brand.
If you are getting into swapping to copper film caps, which are my choice, you maybe need different speakers altogether, because they are not going to sound the same and you are going to end up in a lot of expensive upgrades before you realize that.
A good cost effective compromise IMHO is to use Clarity's top end with copper film bypass caps for anything over 5uF
Erik S:

Last time I checked, a few years ago, Jupiter did not make a copper film cap in 47 uFd to replace that critical midrange coupling cap. Clarity cap makes one in their CSA line, but that is metallized poly pro. It is 62 mm diameter (much larger than the 50 mm diam EVO and the 42 mm MKP), so it may not fit on the MR CO board. Plus, I doubt if those CSA versions are any better than an OIL or SGO Mundorf. In general copper film caps are too large to fit or are not available in high enough capacitance. And of course, we dare not parallel smaller values for fear of the dreaded "phasey" smearing effect.

I also need to say that in general, with 90% of the music I listen to, the modded B&W 803D I have sound wonderful. There is some material, mainly compressed rock (like in my case Genesis Trick of the Tail/CD ,not vinyl), that sounds harsh. I do not ascribe to your description of these speakers whatsoever, and I have had numerous friends and strangers listen and they find the results impressive (some are musicians). So I am happy with them for the most part, but continue to look for ways to improve them if I can.  
Jantzen Alumen Z. Just combine/paralell for needed total by using as close to equal values as possible. I think the Clarity CSA is a better sounding cap on the mids then the Evo line and should fit using good DIY skills.

You can paralell caps of the same brand at near the same value with no problem at all. In fact, this method is used my some very high end builders for the best sound.

I don’t doubt that your upgraded B&W sound wonderful and better than stock. More than one way to audio bliss!