Let us put things in their proper perspective; this stuff was a lot cheaper in 1960, and it was what the average person played music on; that's why jukeboxes pulled in so many quarters.
This was the high end in 1960, and few people owned Fisher; my rig was Emerson.
This was a lot of money at that time, and you got a lot of audio for your money.
I read some comments on "consoles" and most of them had no idea what they were talking about; Magnavox was good while Fisher and Grundig were very good.
Some "brandless" consoles were just beautiful furniture.
Grundig Majestic from Germany was tops;
These consoles produced some of the most beautiful music; it soothed me to sleep and I had sweet dreams. I believe the cabinet and the wood played a big part in the sound.
While all that equipment sounded good at the time, the only thing that comes remotely close to my moderate "high end rig" is the jukebox, and we are talking strictly "mono"
"So much for the good old days"