Power requirement for ADS L-1290?

Here's my weird question of the day:

I got a set of hand-me-down ADS L-1290s...(I know, I know, quite a nice gift. It's true. I'm very fortunate).

Everyone says they love power, saying things like 'the more power you give them, the more they sing,' and other nice but imprecise stuff like that.

They're rated at 300 watts maximum, and they're not terribly efficient; coming in at 90db at 8 ohms. Exactly how big does my amp need to be to get "decent enough" sound out of them? I fully realize that the very notion of "decent enough" is anathema around here, but I'm not wealthy, by any means, and look to the vintage audio market for my stuff.

Would 65 wpc be enough to get them to sound good enough? 80 wpc? 100?
Nice speaker! With mine I've used 1) a 25 watt HK430 receiver; 2) a 100 watt Outlaw RR2150 receiver; and 3) a 100 watt pure class A, high current boutique amp. They sounded 1) ok; 2) really good; 3)damned near great, respectively. Bottom line: the more power and higher quality you feed them, the better they'll sound.
I am considering a pair...would a single NAD 2600 (recently recapped etc, rated at 150 per channel) be able to reproduce the bass response folks are describing? How would it handle the low impedance characteristics? or would my efforts tracking down a second 2600 ( 2700, 2400) and set 'em up mono for each channel be worth while? based on the thread, it certainly sounds like More Is Better!

Thanks for the feedback.
Don't know the amp offhand but from your description it should be fine. I also ran a pair of ADS L-880 with a 45-watt NAD receiver for a few years in the '80s and they sounded very good, especially in the bass.
Thanks WRM57, I have my eyes on a pair of the L1290s we'll see if I can land them... If I do, I'll report back with some experiences.
So, I did buy a beautiful set of L1290s, original series, w/ dual fuses, removable back plates, bi-wireable, etc. they are Sweet! The NAD seems to be functioning beautifully as well, which is a relief.

Happy Listener over here!