Can anyone help me remove a stuck fuse holder from my tube amp?

Hello, Two of my KT-150 Power tubes blew the other night and took out two fuses. I can remove one fuse, but I cannot remove the other fuse from the holder. It should pop-up when you turn the screw a quarter turn counter clock-wise.

I am at a loss. I don't want to damage anything.

Thank you very much,

Had this occur several years ago.  Depending on the design of the fuse holder, it often is fastened to the chassis with a thin ring nut on the inside of your unit.  If/when these become loose, the entire fuse holder will then rotate disabling your ability to execute the typical 1/4 turn to extract the fuse.  This requires that you take the amp cover off to visibly see and access the fuse holder from the inside, and then tighten the ring nut.  If this is not the problem, the visual inspection from the inside mount should reveal why and what the problem is and then you can address it.  Unplug your unit first!!  If this fails, bring it to a shop.
Also, if the unit has been powered up recently, allow your capacitors several hours of “off” time to drain their reserved power, otherwise you might get a shock by touching the wrong stuff inside.  Safety first.