NHT XD's well built?

Have been considering buying new/used pair of nht xd's. Considering that nht is going out of business, or is out of business, just wanted to know if these babies are built to last.


I have NHT speakers for my Home Theater and ceiling speakers threw out the house for a number of years without issues.

YOu threw out your house?? Damn, I was looking for a place to live not too long ago... hahaha J/K!

I've had NHT speakers since the company's inception way back when... I've only had 1 issue with the NHT II's that i owned back then, which was a result of my friends over-driving them w/out enough power during my absence (blown midrange driver).

Beyond that, I've never had issues w/ NHTs, however I've never used the XDs and their associated gear. So, as far as the speakers go, they are generally of good quality/ reliable. I cannot speak for the gear associated w/ the XDs, however.
just my 2c.
I own some Classic 3s, Classic 2s and a Classic 12 sub and all have been great. I blew a driver when I clipped using a low powered amp and they covered the part 100% even when I told them what I did. The part was only 40 bucks anyway!

The issue with the XD system is that is is based on complex active electronics and all the DSP software that won't be updated. I wonder how well that will be supported. I know they stopped making it due to the cost of supporting it and the R and D required to keep it working well. What if the firmware goes bad? You are out of luck.

I think you'd be rolling the dice on a system like that. I wouldn't worry a bit about the regular line of NHT--they'll keep the parts available for a while I would think.
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