Mccormack DNA-225 platinum

Over the weekend I purchased a Mccormack DNA 225 platinum for $400 at an estate sale along with a set of Vandersteen 5 speakers. I knew that Mccormack amps had a good reputation and only realized that it was a platinum when later when I set it up. I can't find much info on the platinum upgrades. Does anyone here know what was upgraded and what it means? Also what would a 225 with the platinum upgrade sell for? sorry for my basic questions. 
Looks like a great find. Those two are really good examples of Audio Excellance. Happy Listening. I have Vandersteen and used to own McCormack gear.
Thanks everyone. I called up McCormack this morning they confirmed that they made considerable upgrades to the amp fairly recently including upgraded connectors,and that the driver board should be good for a long time.

They were super nice and really helpful. Amazing customer service. 

I don't plan on selling the amp as long as I have the 5's. I was more curious about its actual worth. 

Did McCormack tell you the year your amp was produced? Keep us posted as you massage into your system.  Happy Listening!

Did you ask about the impedance output?
You need that to set the M5-HP's,
And, I think you got a great deal. As far as the actual worth, that is another matter. Usually, even though it may have cost the original owner $3K+ to upgrade, the actual resale would be much less (as you have discovered). So, by buying 2nd hand, you have saved a considerable amount and gotten a super system.
@jafant  - He said it was extensively updated in the last five years. I'm not sure when it was originally produced. 

@gdnrbob - 10k is the impedance output - My filter goes that low (just checked a photo I took). I'm going to try it tonight and see if it works. 
Def understand- I'm not planning on selling the amp just enjoying it with my new (to me) speakers.