Aerial 5T impressions

Any owners of Aerial 5T out there that want to share their impressions?

I currently have B&W CM6S2's..
They are very detailed speakers with good bass. Sometimes the highs are a little on the bright side and I was listening to a pair of the Aerial 5T's.  They sound more neutral to me with less emphasis on the extreme high end.  Beautiful build quality. 

If you have similar or other experience with them I would  e very interested. 

Sunny Components Inc,
I have a retail store and have been carrying Aerial's for 12 years now. I have owned the Model 20T.I am partial to the sound of the 5T. Very open, amazing deep soundstage. Thet work brilliantly with Bryston Electronics. It's a match made in heaven. You will be so pleased with them. They do 85% of what Wilson Audio's Duettes do. Now we have custom built stands also.

I have the Aerial 5.

My 30 yr old Adcom amp is making a noise, so I have to fix or replace.

Besides the Bryston, mentioned above - what amps are Aerial 5b/5T owners using?

The 5T's are easier to drive as I own both the B's and the T's. I have a Bryston 2.5 SSTs w/the 5T's also Parasound will also match well. W/5's a 200 WPC Forte 6.

I wonder if anyone has compared 5T with ATC SCM19 v2. I am struggled to choose between these two. I listen to vocals most usually and prefer good low end. Any impression or suggestion will be appreciated.

As for the amp, I own Benchmark AHB2, which provides 100 W per channel. I would like to know if it is sufficient to drive them in a 300 square feet room.

There was an old comparison in Stereophile of the 5B to the SCM19 V1; kind of came out in a tie. I have the SCM20 pro passives (virtually same as the SCM19 V1). I love them, and find the low end remarkable for a sealed enclosure. It’s accurate and very well defined, but also goes deep. I’d think the SCM19 V2 would take all the good things from the bass and mids and have even better treble. They’re also very easy to place in room. You have to go listen to speakers for yourself cause it’s going to be a question of taste.

I use the P1 but others have reported the AHB2 drives the SCM19s really well (think the thread is still on this page). ATC just came out with a new SIA2-100 integrated which should be cheaper than the P1. The power amp section of the SIA2-150 integrated (which sounds really great) is the same as the P1. I believe the SIA2-100 uses the same topology but just a lower rated transformer.

Actually the AHB2 seems to in fact cost a little more than the P1. It wasn't available when I got my stuff; I find the P1 pretty perfect for the SCM19s/20s. The P1s don't really have a sound as such.