New power cord needed for speaker with powered subwoofer?

I just bought GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers.
They have built in subwoofers self powered with 1800 watts.
My question is would they greatly benefit from new brand name power cords?
Or do you think the power cords designed for them suffice?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano

I’m an engineer, and I used to believe on principle that power cords could not make a difference (assuming adequate current capability). But actual listening trials converted me from a skeptic on "theory" into a believer in practice.

Sighted tests, I presume? Being an engineer (or scientist, or having experience in any field) doesn’t make anyone immune to sighted bias effects. That’s why blind testing protocols arose in the first place


now that this discussion has cleared up the issue for you...just borrow a few cords, or buy some with return privileges and listen.

That sounds like a great idea. I’d just add that if rvpiano really wants to know if the sound is changing, vs his imagining it, he could just have a friend help him do a little blind test shoot out, his pal switching the "audiophile" cables with the supplied cables, without rvpiano knowing which is which. I mean..he is asking if they would make a difference. If he really cares to know, those steps would help him find out.

It could be a very informative outcome for rvpiano :)

used power cords hold their value a long time, and some are quite inexpensive to begin with,  so really no risk here...

I have a vivid imagination, but when comes to music and things aural, I have a pretty good ear.


I have a vivid imagination, but when comes to music and things aural, I have a pretty good ear.

Then you are well placed to do a blind test.  Of course no one is forcing you to and I don't mean to at all.  What I'm saying is that you are asking if an upscale power cable will perform better than the supplied cable.  If you really want to know, you could try a cable with a return policy and do a shoot out.  Blind testing AC cables are one of the easier tests one can do (in terms of casual home tests).

I've done it before, was easy with a pal swapping them, and the results were quite educational. 

I saved quite a bit of money ;-)