Thanks for the tip on Terry Evans. Will check that out. I'm fairly familiar with most of the older traditional blues guys...including Buddy Guy, but have not kept up with the newer artists. I'm pretty picky. I feel like a lot has to go into a blues song to make it feel genuine and authentic. It is very easy to get blues technically right but without 'soul' for a lack of a better word.
Yes, by loud I mean compressed DR. The Teskey CD has not been tested on the DR database. Compared to the range of my few reference CDs (DR of 12-16) and a few of my newer, quite awful CDs (DR of 5-6) I'm guessing the Teskey CD is somewhere in the middle. Tedeschi Trucks first CD is in this range and I'd describe it and the Teskey CD as very listenable...but could be better. Both Tedeschi Trucks and the Teskey Brothers have their own studios so I would kind of expect better. Tidal's offerings of new music vary in regard to DR. Some are better than the CDs but most are exactly the same.
I've probably become too sensitive to this issue. And some of it might just be in my a lot of things in audio.
Anyway, I'm perfectly happy with the Teskey's CD. There is one song, I don't remember which, that causes a little ear fatigue. My wife, daughter and her husband (all three of whom like the CD ) commented all at the same time and they are not audiophiles. It seemed louder than the other tracks volume wise. The rest sound good even at higher volumes.