Mccormack DNA-225 platinum

Over the weekend I purchased a Mccormack DNA 225 platinum for $400 at an estate sale along with a set of Vandersteen 5 speakers. I knew that Mccormack amps had a good reputation and only realized that it was a platinum when later when I set it up. I can't find much info on the platinum upgrades. Does anyone here know what was upgraded and what it means? Also what would a 225 with the platinum upgrade sell for? sorry for my basic questions. 
Well, anything that mitigates vibration and other outside influences will certainly help with making more coherent sound reproduction.
Stillpoints, solid maple shelving, or Ayre blocks are known to help with this.
An inexpensive place to try some of this is Herbie's Audio Lab.  
Great advice from @gdnrbob!  Herbie's products are effective, well made and reasonably priced.