Is the NuPrime CDT 9 Pro a Best Kept Secret?

Recently the lens fell out of my heavily moded (Musical Concepts)  Pioneer PD 65 which I use as a transport, toslinked to my Audio Alchemy DPP/DAC. I glued it back in, but it won't play.  I  may have inserted it upside down, alas, there was no telling which way was up even wth my magnifying glass

so I am in search of a transport. The NuPrime CDT 9 Pro (MSRP $795) caught my eye, but I cannot find a review

Anybody know anything? 
Looking at the way it's orientated from pics I doubt you'll see the makers sticker, better chance from underneath, but the mech would have to be taken out to see that angle 15min job 4 screws and 2 x ribbon/power connectors.

Cheers George 
The Jay’s Audio folks want $200 (S/H included) for the laser. Sounds like a rip-off to me. I’ve seen eBay listings for a generic Philips CDM-4 laser from $50 to $100. 
The problem for small concerns (Nuprime) is the high cost of inventory that doesn't rotate. And, unless they buy volume they don't get a discount, plus shipping... 
Which, applied here, means....

I absolutely love the cdt 8. 

If the transport isn’t a Phillips, it’s fine. Soon, the used market will be flooded, should I need another transport. 
Got a message from Jay’s Audio US Rep. wrong currency price quote. Philips CDM-4 laser price is $100 + $50 S/H from China.