Which cable to change first-intercon. or speaker?

My system consists of an Audio Aero Capitole MkII CDP directly feeding (balanced) an Audio Research VT100 MkII, that drives my Von Schweikert Audio, VR4 GenIII SE's.

I want to upgrade the cables in my system, but I don't know which cable to upgrade first, the speaker cable or the interconnect.

So, which cable should I replace first, the interconnect or the speaker cable (and why), or should I plan upgrading both together?
(cables are) are very fast, transparent and extended
Given this info, try different spkr wire. Spkrs are a complex load and with the wire connecting the amp create a somewhat unpredictable circuit. Try any wire (rather than going for more expensive) preferably single core, just to test results.
Louis1 - What kind of speakers do you have? Do you like your Verbatim cables?

Get the Furtech 2 meter with spades in the used speaker cables.Its the BEST at a great deal.Jump on it asap!!!