I generally agree with your point.
Blind tests can be tedius...and difficult. So one really has to have the motivation to bother with them. That's why I've only bothered doing them occasionally. Some gear lends itself to more easy blind testing than others. Virtually no one could do a truly controlled blind test of speakers in their home. Though crude versions are kind of fun. My pal once had me do a blind shoot out between some Spendor BC1s (as I remember) and Quad ESL 63s and it was surprisingly closer than I would have thought to tell them apart when I didn't know which I was listening to. Though I could in fact identify each.
That I performed a blind test this year with a piece of gear was really due to the level of motivation I had - a problem I found really vexing, between my new digital server vs the method it was replacing.
Frankly, though, if it were easier and I had access to the right gear and circumstances to test a wide variety of gear, I'd do a lot more blind testing, just out of curiosity.
(And if I were making/selling can bet I'd be doing blind testing before concluding I had something for which I felt comfortable charging lots of money! But, hey, apparently that's must me....)