$10k Speaker Cables??????????????

Where does this madness end??? My friend the editor reviews this craziness!!

Cheers George
n80, no offense but judging by *your words* I know quite a bit more about the subject of testing than you do. I was the Govt witness for Final Test of a 2 Billion Dollar communications system, among many other things. Anyway, the point is negative results of a single test mean nothing since so many things can go wrong beyind the control of the tester, even a very thorough tester. In other words there is no such thing as a properly designed test. You may think you know something but you don’t. Capish?
Well Geoff, you have stated multiple times and in very clear terms and on numerable subjects that you know more about everything than everyone.

So yes, capisco.  Capisco, capisco. Very clearly.

And yet, somehow, you are wrong. There are many testing situations in which a single negative test is meaningful....and in fact often constitutes all you need to know. But that's beside the point isn't it? If a test needs confirmation....well, you test some more. Certainly you know that since you know all there is to know about....everything.
Indeed n80.  If one wants to get a sense of to what degree goeffkait understands blind testing, all you have to do is read what he keeps writing about it ;-)
Too bad we can’t put ole Jeff’s Kat in a gunny sack, with bricks, and.
For people who like scientific data to help make their buying and listening experience better I say to each his own.
For people who like scientific testing to help make their buying and listening experience better I say to each his own.
For people who trust their own ears to help make their buying and listening experience better I say to each his own.
It comes down to an individual preference. And when buying Uber expensive audio (or anything really) I say to each his own...
Who am I to say that is a crime?