Thanks all for your input. Maybe I should have said I'm from Europe, because many of the suggestions just aren't available here, and the ones that are, usually are way more expensive over here than in the US. Avalon Indra for instance cost close to 30,000 euro's, which at the moment is about 40,000 US$, whereas Sonus Faber Cremona M cost 7,800 euro (10,400 US$), which I believe is cheaper than in the US.
Since the rest of my system is all gonna be replaced, I'll keep every option open (tubes, solid state, hybrid...)
Anyway, I like the Silverline Bolero, very Avalon-like, but I'm afraid no dealer here will have ever heard of them.
Dynaudio C2 and/or System Audio SA7K might be a better option, though these are both pretty tall...
No horns, electrostats, Vandersteen, Harbeth, Deadalus, Proac, Audiokinesis or Parsifal (mostly due to looks).
These Gemme speakers really look awesome, but again, I wouldn't know where to start looking for them over here :-(
Audio Note could be an option, I'll look into that.
Art Deco and Ohm are also very nice, I hope I can find some to audition...
Thanks again, I'll be busy for a while :-)
Since the rest of my system is all gonna be replaced, I'll keep every option open (tubes, solid state, hybrid...)
Anyway, I like the Silverline Bolero, very Avalon-like, but I'm afraid no dealer here will have ever heard of them.
Dynaudio C2 and/or System Audio SA7K might be a better option, though these are both pretty tall...
No horns, electrostats, Vandersteen, Harbeth, Deadalus, Proac, Audiokinesis or Parsifal (mostly due to looks).
These Gemme speakers really look awesome, but again, I wouldn't know where to start looking for them over here :-(
Audio Note could be an option, I'll look into that.
Art Deco and Ohm are also very nice, I hope I can find some to audition...
Thanks again, I'll be busy for a while :-)