Dynaudio C20 vs other monitors in the 4-7k range

A localish pair of these came available and I am wondering what the consensus is vs other premium monitors. Heard the C1s years ago and loved them.
Descent price but I would be driving over an hour each way. Figure I can at least break even on them if they don't work out. 
Would be driving them with a Lyngdorf TDIA 2170 crossed over to a JL Fathom sub.
Room dimensions around 12×14ft. 
Thanks in advance for any feedback. 
I need a speaker that does rock and some metal well. I dont think the BBC type speakers would fit the bill. I could be wrong.
The Lyngdorf really eliminates any kind of bass problems with Room Perfect. 
I love my Lyngdorf. Got the 3400 earlier this year and Room Correction really works. Cool thing is that you can do two speaker profiles with and without sub and really dial it it in. I have PSB Imagine T3s and a REL S2.

Well going to go buy them tomorrow. We shall see. I'll have tomorrow night to give them a good run in after the kid goes to bed. 
I also had the Focus 140's and found them too dark sounding and not really good for low volume listening. Very power hungry as well. While speaker shopping last year I heard the C20s and loved them, I think Dynaudio did change their house sound a bit, the speakers are more efficient now and they play much better at lower levels. Their speakers do have that low mid warmth we all love. And the Esotar2 is an excellent tweeter.  I think at 7K the monitors are overpriced (as compared to the towers) but I loved the sound.