$10k Speaker Cables??????????????

Where does this madness end??? My friend the editor reviews this craziness!!

Cheers George
I just sold around 10k worth of mid to high fi cables.  They scattered all over the country like spider man shooting webs.  When I sat down to listen to my system things seemed a little out of balance.  I reached into my back pocket and moved five grand to the other side.  Balance restored. 
I’ve done many blind tests with family and friends and the cables really mattered in my system.  Cords from regenerator to components seemed to matter most.  Next was interconnects and last speaker cables.  Truth is I had no speaker cables for two weeks and pulled out an old moldy set of monster flatline cables from my shed.  They might be keepers.  Miss the power cords and conditioners but I have a bigger better plan in the works.
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I know this sounds outrageous, but I purchased a set of these cables on faith and some study for my speakers.  I have the Apogee Scintillas One Ohm, Krell KSA-80B and NDX Naim Streamer--soon to be replaced by an ND555.  I also have the reference interconnects.  They really brought my system to life and gave me the sound I was looking for.  I had just regular cables before, but was looking to get a certain natural sound, duplicating what live music sounds like to me.  They do that.  I have no regrets.  Can't wait for the ND555/PS555. 

PS:  I am the founder of Apogee and the designer of these speakers as well as the Full Range Ribbons, so have some background on what they should sound like.  They have never sounded better.
