Peak Consult Dragon. Anyone???????

Hi all,

I was curious if someone has ever listened to the Peak Consult Dragon speaker. Believe the driver they use are from Audio Technology and are similar to the Rockport drivers.
Was curious if anyone that has experience with them can share how they sound and if they are a bit similar to another brand?

Are they as good and is the price justified?

Appreciate your feedback.
I heard a pair of similar size Peak Consult speaks running on new Luxman amplification about a year back at a high end dealer in Manhattan. May not have been Dragons.

I recall the sound being so different that I did not know what to make of it. Maybe something was not set up right or maybe these speaks just have a unique timbre by design.

The high end was uniquely bright and detailed to an extent where recordings I thought I was familiar with sounded totally different than I had ever heard before, but the bass was muddy and the mid range sounded totally lifeless to me. Everything just seemed wrong, or perhaps just a lot different, more so than most any other "high end" system I recall hearing.

The sound did not draw me in and my time listening was limited, so perhaps I did not give them much of a chance.

What I heard was totally unique and distinctive, just not sure if it was good or bad though.
Never heard the big peaks and but have a pair of empress. FWIW with some low powered tubes or wrong SS amplification (I tried Dartzeel) the bass can definitely sound muddy.

However lifeless mid range for me is new as in my opinion that is presicely the area where these speakers shine.

I myself bought them primarily for this strength as I am a vocals freak :-)

However I have not paired my speakers with too many amps and have not listened to too many speakers either so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

All the best.
I mainly recall the Peaks as having a uniquely revealing top end and muddy low and an overall timbre correspondingly unlike any other speak like it I have heard.

I think it was running on moderate power Luxman tube gear...maybe not a good choice. There were other noticeable setup problems in this room at the very high end dealer as well, so I took what I heard with a grain of salt.
My impressions of the Peak Consults mirror Mapman's almost identically.
These ones were also driven by valves (dozens of 300Bs).
May just not be a good match?