Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

I see that the 3.7’s have an efficiency rating of 90db whereas the 3.5 is 88db. Does the efficiency difference offer a better low-level listening experience with the 3.7?  I’ve been able only to move up the food chain to the 3.6 which, in my humble opinion, did not offer the range at low listening levels although it did typically Thiel stuff when I went out of my comfort zone. 

Congrats on grabbing that pair!
Yes, brand new, old stock. Low volume sounds great with my amp, better then high volume when it starts to be a little bright. All the reviews about the quality of these speakers are raving and I can only agree.
Oblgny, efficiency is not necessarily the same as sensitivity, and 2.87 Volts is not necessarily the same as 1 Watt. 
 The 3.5’s depending on vintage were rated as 88-89 dB @ 2.87 V. in to 8 Ohms. That does not account for for the 4 Ohm nominal/minimum impedance rating (though not dropping below 5 Ohms in independent testing ). Suffice to say one could round down to a 85-86 dB sensitivity into actual load. 
 The same holds true for the 3.7’s, only more so as the impedance drops even further. If you consider the actual impedance load the more relevant sensitivity drops accordingly. 
 This is why the power levels into lower impedances need to increase as much as they do.