Are Merlin TSM speakers buried with their owners?

For now....I have decided to stick with my TSMs. I spent a LOT of time on the internet trying to find any discussion of speakers that people have moved on to from their Merlins. I can't find a darn thing. Someday, I'd like to move on just to try something different (the change disease is terrible with no cure). I'm sure there are probably speakers for $10k that I could buy, but I'm not looking to go that route. Very frustrating and quite perplexing.


Never owned the TSM, but I'll never let go of my VSM-MM,  no longer in my main system but they'll stay to the end. Only issue with Merlins is lower bass even with BAM 6.5" driver can only move so much air. Never could get a coherent lower bass with the subs I tried. Reportedly Bobby had long worked on developing his own subs for TSM and VSM, could never get the coherence he required. And coherence is what drew me to the Merlins in the first place, these two ways played as a single driver speaker.  The quality of the drivers and crossovers was top notch as well, good speakers don't become obsolete just because they're no longer produced.


Merlins only became bench sitters when I came into possession of some Klipschorns I initially planned to flip. Khorns only really became viable replacements after much modification, only bass bins remain stock. Big issues were lack of coherence and timbre, Merlins will spoil you here, especially with the Duelund VSF caps installed.


As for the bass issues with Merlins, I'd suggest two REL subs would provide the deep bass and necessary coherence to provide full frequency presentation. REL's differ in that they use high level connection vs low level witth other subs. Haven't tried them with my VSM but I'm getting great coherence with the Khorns.


Merlins with coherent deep bass would be keepers in my book, a great speaker is a great speaker, time doesn't change that.



Not always. I recall several former owners praising the amazing staging and imaging capabilities but complaining that in the end they were too treble-centric, and it became fatiguing.

Any Merlin with Hovland caps less natural than those with the Duelunds. With Duelund more natural timbre, makes all the difference. Also, tubes superior to SS with these, Bobby voiced it for this. EL 34  for push pull, 845 SET best match in my experience.

At some point I’d try a used pair of original JA Pulsars for $3500 - $4000.  I’d bet they’ll beat your TSMs as good as they are, but if they don’t you can just resell them for little/no loss so not much risk to try.  As a bonus the Pulsars look just a little better than the TSMs. 😉  Just something to keep in mind. 

More than ten years ago but I moved on from a pair of Merlin TSMs after trying a pair of Devore 8 speakers while the TSMs were away for the replacement of a woofer that failed. After a week or so of swapping between the two brands with a variety of music I kept the Devores. I thought they were better than the Merlins in every way that mattered to me.

Never had the pleasure of hearing the TSM or VSM, but have had the older model 2B, 3B+, and 4B. My son still runs 3B+ with his B&K amp.

There won't be any new ones....even if you move on to something else, I'd still hold on to them.

Merlin TSM BME with master Zoebel boxed for now.  They are wonderful, but moved onto ATC active to move air like I wanted to.  Within their parameters of price, physical size and performance with reasonably priced kit driving them, they are gamers.

I've never gotten to listen to the Merlin stand mounts, but was told that played within their limits they were hard to beat.

R.I.P. Bobby...miss you.  It will be 10 years this summer...

Same here.  I was extremely sad to hear he was gone.  He was a very bright, charismatic, and passionate guy.