JAY'S Audio CDT-3-MK2 or PS Audio DirectStream Memory Player

Looking for a CD transport. I will be playing redbook CDs only and would be using the SPDIF output to my DAC. 
I was thinking to get the JAY'S Audio transport, but now that PS Audio discounted their DirectStream Memory Player, I can't decide between the two. Has anyone compared those two?
I think  it was in the 6moons review that the reviewer said the Jays was better than the CEC
I do use the DMP [newest 3.10 firmware] with the DS dac [newest Snowmass firmware] connected together via PS Audio's proprietary hdmi connection option [using Wireworld platinum 7 ] ...in this setup it does make for one heck of a formidable digital playback system. When using one machine without the other...things could have a different outcome all together. As always...ymmv depending on system synergy.   
I have directStream DAC with bridge and JAY'S Audio CDT-3-MK2

I am connect Jay's CDT  via AES directStream DAC and compare the same track from a music server via bridge.

Jay's CDT sound much better than bridge. it is more musical, relax, real, believable.

I remember the PS transport don't sound better than bridge
I also compare the terminator DAC to directStream DAC with latest firmware. both feed from the Jay's CDT3-MK2, from the very first 30 second, the comparison is over, terminator sound much better. musical, musical.

I then brought a very well build musical server, still, Jay's CDT3 beat the musical Server easily on 44.1Khz format. however, with 88Khz, 24bit sound tract, the musical server beat the Jay's CDT3. the musical I play is holly cole "don't smoke in bed" since I have CD and 88Khz downloand