
I enjoy HD channels but during action movie scenes
and some sport HD channels I get a very distracting
pixelization effect. Cable company is Charter Communications. Is this caused by Charter's
transmission or can I correct this with an
equipment change? The pixelization seems to
be worse as camera pans quickly.
In my previous post, the cable modem url I entered somehow wound up with an extraneous comma included at the end of the link, which causes it to not work. It should be

-- Al
As the others have said, what you are experiencing is compression from the cable signal.

Pop in a blu ray - and you won't see any of this, regardless of how fast the motion is on the screen.
>Thanks for all insightful responses. My only question
is why does this only happen on HD channels?

Bit rate allocation. For the same level of pixelation 1920x1080i takes 6X the bandwdith of standard definition and 1280x720p 5.3X.