choosing a center channel

Hi folks. I would like to upgrade my center channel speaker. I use the same room for 2ch and htr.
I know that the best choice is to buy the center that matches the l&r but I have some audio physic scorpios and the center is expensive and I rarely see them used.
I’d like advice on a center that is on the warmer side of neutral. It would be for movie dialogue and not multi channel audio so my guess is that the match need not be perfect. I’d also like to keep the price under 2k.

SOrry. I should have been more specific.
It is for htr use. I need something that sits on it's side. Not an upright floor stander like the scorpio.
Too bad. Horizontal centers usually suck regardless of whether they are used for HT or music. Three identical speakers in the front are ideal.

If you don't have one, get a powered sub-woofer. It makes even the mids and highs better
Have you tried no center? None is better than a mediocre center channel speaker. Many people prefer a phantom center on movies.

How many listeners/viewers do you usually have? If only 1 or 2, the phantom will work well. The main purpose of the center is to anchor that channel's sound in the middle for listeners too far left or right for good stereo imaging. For music, don't consider anything but phantom unless you get an *exact* match to your L/R speakers.