We discussed the Found Music 2A3 Music 2A3 SET (FM) at great length prior to your purchase. As you know I’m not the least bit surprised with your dare I say amazement with its sucess pairing with your Tekton SEs. To be fair this is far beyond even what one would consider a ’good quality 2A3 SET. Your FM 2A3 is a world Class and genuine SOTA amplifier. Even though on paper not an ideal match for the 4 ohm Tektons (this particular FM amp was built to drive 6 to 8 ohm impedance speakers) you have experienced nothing less than superb sound quality. This is the result of a very gifted desiner/builder, superior part quality, superb power supply and extraordinary implementation.
Just imagine what you’ll experience with the intended speakers you ultimately acquired the amp to drive. You decision to pair this amplifier with the unquestionably SOTA Grandinote Genesi was a very wise one.IMO there’s absolutely no surprise for the stunning sound quality provided by the Found Music 2A3 and Genesi pairing. This 3.5 watt amplifier is excelling with genres of music you simply didn’t believe possible. Another example of quality over quantity (power).
We discussed the Found Music 2A3 Music 2A3 SET (FM) at great length prior to your purchase. As you know I’m not the least bit surprised with your dare I say amazement with its sucess pairing with your Tekton SEs. To be fair this is far beyond even what one would consider a ’good quality 2A3 SET. Your FM 2A3 is a world Class and genuine SOTA amplifier. Even though on paper not an ideal match for the 4 ohm Tektons (this particular FM amp was built to drive 6 to 8 ohm impedance speakers) you have experienced nothing less than superb sound quality. This is the result of a very gifted desiner/builder, superior part quality, superb power supply and extraordinary implementation.
Just imagine what you’ll experience with the intended speakers you ultimately acquired the amp to drive. You decision to pair this amplifier with the unquestionably SOTA Grandinote Genesi was a very wise one.IMO there’s absolutely no surprise for the stunning sound quality provided by the Found Music 2A3 and Genesi pairing. This 3.5 watt amplifier is excelling with genres of music you simply didn’t believe possible. Another example of quality over quantity (power).