I have not checked with Denon, but, a couple of weeks ago, I did look up videos about replacing the drive on the Internet and looked for parts on eBay, They are available used so who knows what they would end up being. There were no new ones I could see at that moment which may indicate that Denon quit supplying them.
Another observation from eBay was that a number of players were advertised as "not playing CD" or SACD, or whatever else. Quick Google search for "Denon 2910 CD not playing" (or something similar to that) brought a lots of comments telling me I am not the only one. Hence my previous post. I would stay away from buying those players these days, unless they are cheap enough not to be disappointed with failure.
I wonder if modding operations are gone simply because the market for it has shrunk as people have gradually moved on to less physical formats. There is probably only a handful of us who have these Denons sitting around and have not tossed them yet.
I recently bought a CD (SACD, in fact) player and everyone I tell it to asks me "who still buys CD players these days?" I guess, n80 and me.