Hello to all...

Was thinking about the songs I luv, that are so poorly recorded that it hurts my ears to listen to them - but because they are so great I just can't help myself 'cause they really moves me:




Can you give me a couple or more, that you think are really great songs and such a disappointment in how they come across recorded (on vinyl, CD, Cassette or whatever...)


Hi n80

"So would you say that with the right system tuning the quality of the recording, in terms of DR compression and loudness, is of no real consequence?"

DRD and quality of a recording are two different issues that somehow got mixed together. Or at least mixed together in the mind of the guy spending bucks on a typical HEA system after "discrete systems" were pushed by the reviewers and certain designers. Basically the whole discrete system era was incredibly flawed and High End Audio has never recovered, they just keep digging the hole deeper until HEA is no more. BTW the reviewers who no longer review admit to the failed push of non-flexible systems.

The interesting part for myself is watching the industry starting to turn back to Tuning. There has always been listeners who understand that all recordings have their own unique set of values that require tuning. Take almost any recording and give it to 100 users. You'll find that this recording will rank differently depending on how someone's system is tuned in. What is not universally understood, with the current HEA audiophile, is that most of the audiophiles have moved on from discrete "one sound system" setups and from these forums and magazines that support them.

HEA (High End Audio) has been in rapid decline mode since the late 1990's. It's not because recordings are bad, it's because a system that only produces one sound can't play all these different sounds without some type of adjusting. In other words there's no auto adjust in "discrete audio" only thousands of different sounding systems, and the pushers of these systems. This doesn't make any component good or bad, or better or worse. It simply means if your going to play a large range of recording types you need a method of tuning that allows you the flexibility needed.



Excellent information in this thread guys. I concur with the above, most Hard Rock, Metal and Punk is poorly recorded (low-fi approach).
Happy Listening!
What do you guys think of the SQ of Bruce Springsteen's - "Nebraska"? I know he intended it to sound that way, but listening to it always makes me wonder how a high-quality audiophile version would have sounded.
It doesn't hurt my ears to listen to it, and part of the charm is the low-budget way it was done, but I wish "The Basement Tapes" (Bob Dylan and the Band) was better recorded.  That said, I think Garth Hudson did a good job with the limited resources he had.