Ralph, I measured your preamp's RIAA and it was +4 db in the bass. That is not accurate EQ. My RIAA accuracy is +/- 0.2 dB.The preamp's math conforms to Stanley Lipshitz's math and the parts are within 1% or better, FWIW.
What interests me is how it came to be thought that preamps are harder. What designer is going around saying that? Im not.
The thing about a good preamp is that there are so few! In that regard I would say there are a lot more competent amps than there are preamps.
Well, I lied. I have to respond. Ralph-I can't believe that you said that about me after I have done nothing on this Board (in multiple threads) but praise you and after you agreed that preamps are not easier to design (well) than amps.@fsonicsmith
Sorry- my comment was not aimed at you- I had missed that you had left. I was in fact referring to someone else, who (thankfully) has not posted on this thread at all. I see now that in my haste to get thru all the new posts that I missed several posts somehow and yours was one of them. So I misinterpreted Roger's comment. I apologize- I've no reason to drag your name through the mud!