Speaker Recommendations for Soundstage and Imaging

I'm putting together a new system where a large soundstage and holographic imaging are the top two priorities. I'm willing to give up something in other areas (detail, neutrality, dynamics, low bass, etc) to maximize those two properties. My budget for the speakers in this system is $2,000. My understanding is that, generally speaking, large floorstanders more readily offer large soundstages and small mini-monitors more readily offer that precise, holographic imaging. So I realize I'm after two competing but hopefully not mutually exclusive traits in that price range. Now if that wasn't demanding enough, I'd also prefer the compact floorstanding form factor. I'm willing to go standmount monitor but not willing to add a sub. Large floorstanders are out of the question. I'd love to hear the recommendations of the A'gon community. Thanks.
The focus of the mbl 111s I heard was exceptional I thought within a wide and deep soundstage. The deep soundstage was at least partly due to the room these were set up in which had a good 12-15 feet of space behind them. With the large ensemble classical pieces I heard (especially sourced from RTR master tape), the individual players were for the most part clearly located within the 3D soundstage much as if they were compressed into that space in front of me.

I've also heard the same mbl 111s set up at a show in a good sized room but with only 5 feet or so of space behind them. The results were still good but more back with the pack in comparison to other very good imaging speakers I have heard.

So, if you have the right room at least, the mbls are absolute top notch imagers in my opinion. Then again, other speakers may also do very well when set up in a manner where they have similarly plentiful room to breathe.
Have to agree, as usual, with Mapman. It's tough to hear the MBL's set up correctly, but done so, they're invisible and wonderful--the best speaker I've ever heard.
The omni thing involves the room (as do all, but usually, less so) so the envronment, usually at show's when I've heard them, is suspect. Not great in Munich a couple of years ago-but remarkable at other venues.
Go MBL for staging AND tonal excellence.
Have not heard the mbl's but i am sure mapman is correct. i agree with ckoffend's post. i owned Mirage M5s and set up properly they threw a great stage. Lots of depth. And great placement of instruments.

Now i've got a pair of Audio Physic Steps with a REL and they throw an excellent stage also. Depth and width outside of the speakers and focus.

The sound stage is different though with the APs than the Mirage. The stage seems a bit more immediate with the APs. Less so with the Mirage. Not a better or worse difference, just a different presentation.
Corazon, Maybe your last paragraph explains the differences in sense of staging/imaging/focus better than I could, and much more economically (wordwise).

Mapman, I have not had many chances to audition or hear speakers with 12-15 feet behind them (a few times with big horn systems). That must have been and certainly sounds like it was a great experience and peformance.

Maybe if I put my kids up for adoption and knocked down some walls that would be a feasible approach!
"Maybe if I put my kids up for adoption and knocked down some walls that would be a feasible approach!"

I'm with you.

I always say the next tweak that could really benefit my setup would be a bigger and better room to play it in.