Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Yes, it is all about the tweaks not the gear. Where in blazes were you guys twenty years ago? You act like this is something new. Well, it’s not. You get all psyched up over one or two things. Then you stop. Talking, not walking.
" Could this be the reason some folks can’t or refuse to hear the differences these tweaks make? Are they really listening into the music and getting emotionally involved, or are they simply admiring the gold faceplates on their electronics?"

 really alot of different mentalities in this hobby, I've bought some used equipment where I had to home pick up, one 'audiogoner' where I was buying a Cary CD player had top of the line B+W speakers in a megabuck system  crammed 4 feet apart in a 10 foot room and had about 30 female vocal CD's. Another guy where I bought the Supratek Chenin preamp from had Maggie 3.6's in a 8x 8 room connected with lamp cord and thought all this cable nonsense was unnecessary so he was constantly swapping equipement in search of better sound. This audiophile bizness has alot of variation eh? Thank goodness I had the open mindedness to try Total Contact and the  Alpha  mats, I don't understand the technology but the results exceed my high expectations. Surely I have my own misconceptions and misunderstandnings and misconfigurations but my toes are tapping and my head nodding, it's all about connecting with the music not the equipment in my view..
Twenty years ago?  I was just discovering the high-end shop in my community.  I listened to their brands and took their advice over the years. Last major purchase: 2011.  Since then, it's been a tweaker's paradise. You know what I mean.......
Twenty years ago I was listening to a pair of Acoustat Four’s, an ARC Classic 60, and ARC SP-14, A California Audio CD player and my current Well-Tempered turntable with a Clavis cartridge. The Acoustats were underpowered with the ARC in the system, but within its range, the sound was super transparent. On a good night, it seemed as though the back wall just fell down and the depth went on forever. I fed the system almost 100% vinyl in those days. I’d like to have the Acoustats back for a few days just to see what they would do in the system today.


"You can always tell a true music lover because they will always try to make their own music.

Nice wise statement with zero merit.