We get requests from folks who want their old RM-9s refurbished. One of the common side requests we get is to put in an IEC inlet in place of the captive power cord, which from Roger’s perspective is more than adequate for the job, of reasonable length, and quite flexible. We try to talk folks out of this as there is just not enough room between the transformer cover and the edge of the frame to add an IEC inlet. In addition, the RM-9 frame makes this task rather difficult as you have to cut into the wood and there is risk of damage if not done properly. So for those who insist we advise them we will chop the stock cord about 6" from the top plate strain relief, attach a male IEC, and finish it off with shrink wrap and the customer gets to choose the power cord of their choice. Now the signal comes from the Romex in the wall, through the designer power cord, then that last 6" through the original stock power cord into the power supply.
However, some may not be aware that Roger does acknowledge a power cord can make a difference in the system. In this case, a power cord that addresses hum caused by having DC on the line, which can be a hard problem to fix. So he designed a power cord rated at 5 amps that removes DC and will quiet troubled transformers.
However, some may not be aware that Roger does acknowledge a power cord can make a difference in the system. In this case, a power cord that addresses hum caused by having DC on the line, which can be a hard problem to fix. So he designed a power cord rated at 5 amps that removes DC and will quiet troubled transformers.