Getting close to giving up on CD's

I have a mid fi system ( B&W 803D, Rotel amps, Oppo 203 BD, Anthem processor). I set up a NAS drive with the intent to re rip my CD's to highest quality possible but when I purchased the Anthem AVM 60 and the newer Oppo  I tried ROON with hi rez files I had purchased from HD tracks along with a subscription to Tidal. It has been close to a year and I have only gone to my CD collection a few times. Roon plays directly through the Oppo flawlessly. Been pretty happy with quality of the streaming through the OPPO. At this point I am not sure I see a point to re-ripping my collection when I can get CD quality or better with the options above.

Things can only get better with a dedicated DAC, if I go that direction I am not sure I will even keep my CD's unless it is something rare or super obscure.    

There are many ways to treat CDs. With a few exceptions untreated CDs sound shrill, tinny, bland, ekectronic, metallic, dead, rolled off, two dimensional, squawky, compressed, bass shy, uninvolving and like papier-mâché. 

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There's been some recent threads here and reviews, online, where it's been "discovered" that CDs sound as good, if not better, than high rez streaming, when a decent CDT is used. I'd keep my CDs if I were you.

All the best,
Why either or?  It doesn't cost you anything to keep your CDs.  Rip your favorites and continue to use Roon/Tidal to augment your collection.  Get a decent travel case and play some of the CDs in the car.  That's what I did anyway.  I owned some pretty good CD players and no way did any of them top the sound I get from the Antipodes DX into SOtM triad set-up I use now.  The Metrum Ambre is another pretty good endpoint (and less expensive) but to my ears just misses out compared to the three SOtM boxes.