Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions?

"The Truth" changes the paradigm in Reference Line Stages, literally. Its existence has even forced me to remove a "Direct Connection" in "Class A", because such a choice no longer makes any rational sense to me. In the end, "The Truth" is effectively a "direct connection" with no sonic downsides, and with the ability to drive any amplifier load and/or length of cable, while allowing any source to be heard at its very best. With the exception of extra gain, an audiophile can't ask for more than that. I realize that this may all sound "too good to be true", but it isn't. 

-- Arthur Salvatore  http://www.high-endaudio.com/RC-Linestages.html

This is high praise indeed, he likes it better than Coincident's Line Stage which is saying something, was wondering if someone else has heard it and compared it to other active line stages (am a big believer in active, though currently using AMR DP-777 DAC as my pre)
Thanks for the response.  Given you current arrangement I believe that you're in store for a very noticeable increase in your sound quality with the Truth in use. Taking the DAC volume control (V.C.) out of the equation and going via the light controlled Truth V.C. has to be a big step upward.
Hi Cal,

I am awaiting your feedback on the Truth as well as I remember our experiences with the Lyngdorf were quite similar.

Anyways, I just tried the combination of Lyngdorf as DAC and Pre feeding the Coincident 300b and it has been the best my system has ever sounded.

Still not sure if I am keeping the Lyngdorf, will give it more time.

Hi mrdecibel, 

I do not want to crash the Truth party either, but I just acquired an Axiom II with the Taylor mod.

I have listened to about 15 hours of music so it is really has not settled in yet but it seems to be allow more "airiness" to the music compared to my CJ Premier LS 17 - 2. 

My system is a Hegel 20 DAC, McCormack DNA-500, and Thiel CS5 speakers. There does not seem to be any problem with dynamics given the low efficiency of the speakers. 

Has anyone compared the Truth to the Axiom and can comment on how they sound alike or different?

Thanks for listening,

Hi Cal,
 Do you have any admittedly early listening impressions of the Truth ?  Curious about your pairing it with the Frankenstein.   I am not trying to rush you 😊.
@charles1dad I started listening to it at 36h and just got to 48 last night. Could still hear the sound smoothing out throughout the day. Wasn't able to do an a/b, but so far I'd say it sounds good.... not crazy better than direct though.

I'm also still breaking in my duelund capacitors (tinned copper casts)  too and am actually not sure I like them better than the stock solens so far. Probably just 150 hours on them so far.